Monday, October 24, 2011

Workshop on the Use of Visual Aids - THANK YOU!


We had a great time sharing ideas on the use of visual aids in children's classes at our workshop today.

First, we learned how to use Chinese characters to reinforce prepositions; on, under, in, next to, from Mr. Shimizu at Esteem School of English.

It is an activity where children need to think hard to come up with Chinese characters they have learned in Japanese class.

The participants racked their brains to create Chinese characters, considering their students' ages and knowledge. It was a good challenge!!

We also learned how to use illustrations and photos for the practice of colors and clothing items from Ms. Yuriko Mizubuchi at Teddy Bear English School.

In this session, we have learned to pay a close attention to what skills and knowledge the students are mobilizing to accomplish each task. There were a lot of nods, smiles and laughter observed during this session.

Finally we had a group discussion on the same theme, and each participant shared her own unique ideas to use visual aids; including photos taken through Googleimage, cute items from one-coin shops, songs and gestures.

Overall it turned out to be a very fun, informative and active workshop. We thank all the participants for their enthusiasm and contributions.

Our next workshop will be held in March with the theme of teaching reading to children.

Hope to see you all there!

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