Sunday, October 17, 2010

ETJ Ishikawa 21st Workshop


We had a really fun time together at our group's 21st workshop this afternoon with two wonderful presenters, Tonya Eick and Fumie Takasaki.

Tonya shared ideas to generate confidence in speaking English among junior high school students by actually having them use the language in class. Fumi demonstrated how to motivate children at elementary schools using some simple and innovative activities.

Our fellow ETJ Saitama Coordinator, Evelyn Asaka, traveled all the way here to show her support and to have fun together. What a nice surprise it was!

Thank you, Tonya and Fumi, for your contribution, and thank YOU (yes, it's you!) for your active participation throughout the workshop!

Can't wait to see you all again.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

ETJ Ishikawa 20th Workshop


We had our 20th workshop, 'Activities That Surely Motivate Our Students' this afternoon with Carla Curry and Mari Nakamura as the speakers. Carla Curry's presentation titled 'Routine Busters!' was full of practical teaching ideas, and the teachers had a great time exploring ways to make their lessons a bit 'edgy' as Carla puts it. Mari's presentation was about a lesson planning framework, and the teachers examined how to apply this model when planning a lesson around a picture book. We also had brief Q and A sessions and tea break full of snacks and treats. It was a lot of fun!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

'How to Develop Fundamental Skills' Workshop


ETJ Ishikawa Group had a wonderful opportunity to learn from one another how to develop fundamental skills in our 19th workshop on Sunday, March 14. Three experienced and qualified teachers, Ms. Cindy Fujii, Ms. Chieno Ishimaru and Ms. Aska Imanishi, shared their classroom-tested approaches in teaching phonics, listening, speaking, reading and writing to young learners, and we also had fun networking over some drinks.

Our staff members are now brainstorming ideas to host some 'festive' workshop in late spring.

If you are interested in joining ETJ Ishikawa Group, a grassroots organization for teachers of young leareners in Ishikawa, Fukui and Toyama, please contact, Mari Nakamura at
